Saturday 23 June 2012

A pizza the action

I always knew meeting up with Tania was a bad idea. We're both trying to shed a few pounds, so why oh why do we meet at a pub for a bite to eat for lunch? Why? Because we can. Grace enjoyed a pizza on the house - really great value for kids to eat free when buying two adult mains. Burger for Mummy? Mmm, yes please. Only one thing let the moment down for me, every other table was occupied by men and women in business dress tapping away at their ipads and blackberries. I almost felt the need to apologise for the noise we were making, enjoying lunch with a toddler. At one point I caught Grace just before she pushed through the alarmed fire door to the car park.... I imagine that would have gone down well... at least I could have helped with the evacuation. Ciao for now! x

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