Sunday 22 May 2011

Singing in the Rain!

Or if you are Matt the Husband, it's more like Warbling in the Wind. Blessed with a musical ear and talented on the song-writing front, he somewhat sadly can't hold a tune for toffee. Grace however loves every minute of it and whether he's whittering 'The Grand Old Duke of York' or 'Old MacDonald has a Farm' she likes being out with her Daddy walking the dog in all weathers.

And all weathers it was today. One minute sunny and warm, the next pissing down and flipping the brolly inside out for good measure. Nevertheless Grace sat stoic upon her throne and braced the wind and rain as any nine month old would do. Enjoying watching Daisy-woof of Dewsbury darting around with her clan, the dog walk passed in a flash and it wasn't long before we were back in the car for a warm up.

The Godfather- Michael, (horses head safely away on storage), cooked up a breakfast fit for a king (or a godfather if you will), and then had a good long debate with Grace in the kitchen... talking bananas for sure, to be sure.

Happy Sundays!!

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